Paper Certificates of Title still exist!
Whilst Land Use Victoria (Land Titles Office) has carried out bulk conversions of paper certificates of title to electronic certificates of title, starting with paper certificates of title where any of the four major banks are registered on title as the first mortgagee and progressing to other financial institutions, and electronic titles are usually created upon transfer registrations or property applications, a lot of titles are still in fact paper.
If your title is subject to a registered mortgage, then it will generally be electronic. But if your title is unencumbered by a mortgage chances are it will still be a paper title and will still need to be produced at the Land Titles Office (or provided to your lawyer or conveyancer to nominate or convert into an electronic title) to register a new dealing including a transfer, application by surviving proprietor or legal personal representative or a title amendment application or subdivision. Paper titles are converted into electronic titles to lodge transfers or other dealings electronically, but upon registration of a dealing you can elect to have an electronic title, or a paper title. If the title is electronic then it will be controlled by the lodging party (lawyer or conveyancer). Controllers of electronic titles can easily transfer control of an electronic title to another legal representative.
Where is your title? Check to make sure you know where your title is, and always keep it safe.
If a paper title is in fact lost, an application can be made to the Land Titles Office for a replacement title. Thorough searches must be made before making a lost title application.
If you have any queries in relation to your title, please contact Fleur Craig of Armour-Craig Legal on (03) 5636 4986.